My name is Lucrecia María Pichucho Unapanta, I am 64 years old, I come from a humble class home, destroyed by violence and alcohol. However, he lived a natural religiosity and was ninth out of eleven brothers.

From a very early age I had to work in sewing, which was something I didn't like because I had to help my family's finances. A well-known person began to pursue me and we were in love for three years and I became pregnant with him. He did not want to take responsibility for the baby and asked me to abort it but, thanks to the infinite Love that God showed me, my mother supported me.

I was married for 8 years to a very good man who accepted me and my son, he even recognized him as his son. After a while I had a girl as a result of that love; She was widowed at 29 years of age with 2 small children (Christian and Myriam).

I learned about the Neocatechumenal Way through an invitation from some brothers to attend an Easter celebration, in which I felt consoled and experienced that God intervenes in history, in my sufferings and in loneliness. A year later I entered a community in "Santa Barbara", in that same year my second daughter died in a traffic accident, in 1994. God has allowed me to see that my daughter is in heaven and that He is the owner of the life and I have been able to experience forgiveness for the person who ran over my daughter.

My son is married and has 3 daughters, he walks in the 2nd Community of "Santa Rita de Casia", as do my granddaughters who also belong to a community. The gratuitousness of God's miracles in my life, my family and the community have led me to provide this service at the Redemptoris Mater Seminary for 14 years.