My name is Bryan Ariel Castillo Orejuela. I am 27 years old, I was born on May 19, 1997 in the city of Esmeraldas. I am the second of three siblings and my parents are Mario Rafael Castillo Albán (Guayaquileño) and Gina del Rosario Orejuela Reyes (Esmeraldeña). It should be noted that my parents are not married and are currently separated, but I bless God because despite being separated, they take care of us and maintain a very pleasant relationship.

I grew up in a Catholic family, so my parents transmitted the faith to me from a very young age. A memory I have is that we went to the Sunday Eucharists. After performing the sacraments of communion and confirmation, I left the church for a while and lived according to my will.

In April 2016 I received an invitation from the parish youth group to a youth pilgrimage where I learned about the reality of the Neocatechumenal Way. In May of that same year, the Initial Catechesis was opened in the parish, I attended them and thus began the Camino at the age of 19 in the second community of the "Virgen de Fátima" Parish (currently the first community). After seven years of journey and frequenting the Vocational Center, at 26 years of age I was invited to a Vocational Coexistence, where they asked me if I was willing to do the will of God. In that coexistence I was sent on a mission to the "Christ the King" Parish of Viche, Quinindé Canton and after a while I was sent to the Redemptoris Mater "San Pedro Claver" Seminary of Esmeraldas in Quito, Ecuador. Here in Quito I am walking in the First community of the "Our Lady of the Sacred Heart" Parish, in Llano Chico.

Now I am studying the second semester of philosophy and I thank God for history and because I have experienced this love that was announced to me during this time on my journey.

Pray for us.