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My name is Santiago Josué Huachichullca Barrera, I was born in Cuenca, Ecuador in 2001. By the mercy of God I belong to the 13th community of the "San Juan Pablo II" Parish of Cuenca.
By the grace of God I was born into a Christian family and I am the sixth of eleven siblings (3 of them in heaven). I met God as a child and thanks to the faith that my parents transmitted to me from childhood and during my youth I have been able to see the love and patience that God has for me.
From my mother's womb, God already had a plan for me. God had great mercy on my family and my paternal grandparents received the Good News of God's Love for them and began a Christian formation itinerary through the Neocatechumenal Way. They passed on the faith they received to their children and over the years my father also began the Camino.
Since my childhood I really liked attending the celebrations of the Neocatechumenal Way because I felt very free and happy. That's when God began to speak to me: as a child I began to dress in a white tunic and imitate the priest playing with a stone as if it were the body of Christ. At the age of 12, God gave me a community where I would witness His work. However, during my teenage years, I went through a time of rebellion against God, my parents and my family: I had a bad temper and did not want to help my parents. I became more and more selfish and everything annoyed me; my pride grew every day and that led me to vanity.
Growing up, I fell into alcoholism, and that led me to experience the death of sin. As a result of my alcoholism, I had a love break with an ex-partner despite the fact that I was already thinking about marriage. However, God had something much better prepared for me and despite the fact that this vice had distanced me from my community and my family, God showed me His mercy by preserving me from many sins.
During all that time that I lived deceived by the devil, God called me to follow him and be able to say "YES" to him. The Lord sustained this yes, and during this time God placed an event in my family and in my life that allowed me to see the rottenness that I had in my heart.
God made himself present through the nation's catechists, and I was sent to the "San Pedro Claver" Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Esmeraldas. God is giving me the grace to form me for the new evangelization and to finish this good work that He himself began. Please pray for me and be assured of my prayers for all you do for us at the seminary.